She has skipped days before, and this time it has probably been only two days, but I simply can't recall. I do remember one afternoon recently she crawled into my lap and asked to nurse; I said yes, but then asked her whether that was what she really wanted. To my surprise she said no and jumped down. That might have been the last request, but I am not sure.
Less than a week ago, I was feeling a little irritated and frustrated that her nursing had increased (it can be quite unpleasant and painful now, in mid- to late-pregnancy). I was also concerned about how she would cope while I would be away on a business trip two months later, if she wanted to breastfeed frequently. Less than six weeks ago, an acquaintance stopped me to enquire how long we will breastfeed – wasn’t I worried about making her too dependent, wasn't I worried she would never stop, wasn't I making efforts to quit? (I hadn't even realised anyone outside our household knew she wasn't completely done!) I reassured her that I was worried about none of those things and that we would continue as long as we both wished.
I won't be surprised if she asks to nurse again. It may be today, or next week, or after the baby arrives. I'm not sure what I will say; it will depend on my mood and what else is going on. Just like the rest of our parenting journey, we will take it one moment at a time. Close to the Heart Vol. 17, No. 2 (Mid-Year 2016) Please contact the editor for Close to the Heart at [email protected] if you have a breastfeeding story you would like to share.
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